Rabu, 07 Desember 2011

How We Succeed by Failing

Ada artikel menarik di Washington Post yang berjudul How We Succeed byFailing menyoroti hal tentang keberhasilan dan kegagalan yang juga menggunakan cerita tentang Steve Jobs yang harus meninggalkan Apple sebagai ilustrasinya. Steve Jobs, walaupun sangat sukses, juga sering gagal, termasuk pernah mengalami kegagalan yang sangat parah.

Kathleen Parker, penulis artikel di Washington Post tersebut menyarikan pelajaran yang dapat diambil dari apa yang dialami oleh Jobs: kadang- kadang seseorang (memang) harus gagal untuk dapat berhasil. Pada umumnya, manusia memang harus pernah merasakan kegagalan untuk dapat berhasil, tak ada seorangpun yang tiba- tiba bisa berada di puncak. Bahkan orang yang beruntungpun kadangkala mengalami ketidak beruntungan. Siapapun dengan riwayat hidup yang cemerlang dan penuh kesuksesan juga memiliki riwayat tentang kegagalan, penghinaan dan kemunduran.

Ada posting yang mengambil ilustrasi dari kisah Stephen King, penulis kisah misteri terkenal yang konon mengalami banyak penolakan atas karya- karyanya sebelum akhirnya bertahun- tahun setelah mencoba menulis lagi, lagi dan lagi akhirnya sebuah karyanya diterbitkan. Dan pada akhirnya dia meraih kesuksesan. Novel- novel yang ditulis Stephen King hampir selalu menjadi novel best seller. Bukan hanya Stephen King. Dalam dunia tulis menulis, salah satu contoh populer lain adalah tentang J.K. Rowling. Harry Potter and The Philosopher Stone, buku pertama dari serial Harry Potter yang sangat terkenal itu, ditolak oleh banyak penerbit, terutama penerbit- penerbit besar. Harry Potter akhirnya diterbitkan oleh Bloomsburry, sebuah penerbit kecil di London (dan keputusan untuk menerbitkan buku ini bukan diambil atas dasar keputusan profesional para editor senior tapi semata sebab putri CEO penerbit Bloomsburry yang berusia delapan tahun memohon pada ayahnya agar bersedia menerbitkan buku itu). Harry Potter kemudian ternyata meledak menjadi sebuah karya fenomenal.
Kegagalan, sebenarnya adalah sesuatu yang wajar dialami oleh manusia. Seperti keberhasilan, kegagalan adalah suatu siklus hidup. Bagian dari perjalanan jiwa untuk memaknai hidup, mencapai pengertian akan hidup, agar dapat mencapai sesuatu yang lebih baik.

Tentu, tentu saja manusia harus memiliki kekuatan dan keberanian untuk menghadapi situasi sangat tak enak yang bernama kegagalan itu. Hanya manusia- manusia yang kuat yang bisa bangkit lagi, dan lagi setelah jatuh dan gagal. Dan manusia- manusia semacam inilah yang kelak akan mencatat sejarah serupa Steven Jobs, J.K Rowling, Stephen King dan semacamnya.

Lalu, menyadari bahwa sebenarnya kegagalan merupakan suatu siklus dimana kebanyakan manusia akan mengalaminya, maka sebenarnya ada satu hal selain tekad dan keberanian untuk menghadapi kegagalan dan kesanggupan untuk bangun kembali setelah jatuh yang selayaknya dimiliki oleh manusia.
Apa itu?       
Ini: kemampuan untuk menikmati saat- saat gagal.
Eh, menikmati?
Ya, benar, menikmati.
Sebab, kegagalan yang menimpa seseorang selayaknya dimaknai sebagai suatu ujian untuk mencapai level yang lebih tinggi.

Apapun yang lebih tinggi itu. Bisa materi. Bisa pencapaian spiritual. Bisa juga kedua- duanya. Dan sungguh, kegagalan memang hanya akan berarti jika setelah gagal itu sesuatu yang lebih tinggi dapat diraih. Jika tidak, maka kepahitan itu akan menjadi sia- sia. Karena itulah kemampuan untuk bersabar dan menikmati saat- saat gagal diperlukan. Sebab, adakalanya kegagalan itu terjadi diluar kemampuan manusia untuk mengatasinya. Ada contoh menarik yang dapat digunakan sebagai ilustrasi. Ada sebuah permainan yang dirancang oleh sebuah event organizer untuk membangun team work sekaligus berwisata mengeksplorasi sebuah kota. Kegiatan ini dilakukan dengan cara membagi sebuah kelompok besar menjadi kelompok- kelompok yang lebih kecil. Semua kelompok kecil ini diberi tugas yang sama untuk mencari beberapa tempat di kota tersebut, dengan menggunakan kendaraan andong.

Ada banyak soal yang harus dipecahkan. Soalnya sama, tetapi pencapaiannya berbeda. Sebab adakalanya informasi yang sama dicerna dengan cara yang berbeda oleh kelompok yang berlainan. Situasi yang dihadapi kadang juga tak sama. Selain itu, adakalanya juga muncul faktor hambatan atau bantuan yang sulit diprediksi sebab datang dari pihak luar.

Ada kelompok yang secara efisien bisa memecahkan soal demi soal dengan urutan yang benar dan mencapai banyak tempat. Ada kelompok yang sebab tak sependapat tentang solusi yang harus diambil lalu mengabaikan informasi yang sebenarnya sudah ada di tangan. Ada kelompok yang hanya berputar- putar berulang kali di tempat yang sama sebab walau mereka sudah memiliki informasi kemana harus pergi, namun sang pengemudi andong tak tahu jalan mana yang harus ditempuh!

Dalam situasi semacam itu, yang akan harus dilakukan adalah menerima saja bahwa hal tersebut terjadi. Sebab memang ada banyak faktor yang dapat mempengaruhi keberhasilan maupun kegagalan manusia, baik faktor internal maupun eksternal.

Ada yang bisa dieliminir, ada yang tidak.
Tak ada cara lain untuk bisa melalui situasi semacam itu selain menikmati dan mentertawakan saja kegagalan itu.

Bagaimanapun, hidup akan terus berjalan. Gagal pada suatu periode tak berarti kegagalan itu akan berlanjut terus menerus. Akan ada akhir suatu siklus. Akan ada tenggat waktu tentang sesuatu. Dan kesempatan lain akan muncul.

Karenanya, saat banyak halangan menghadang, just have fun. Nikmati saja kegagalan itu. Sambil tentunya, di pihak lain, juga terus berusaha untuk bangun dan melangkah maju.
Dunia terus berputar. Tak ada yang abadi. Tidak juga kegagalan. Suatu saat, roda yang tadinya berada di bawah akan kembali naik ke atas…

*this article was taken from rumahkayu*

Senin, 21 November 2011

To Be One

I see rainbow in the sky
Colors that brighten my world
I hear the humming birds
Singing a beautiful song

The song of love and laughter
The song of peace and hope
I don’t want this to end
I want this to be forever

Even though we’re not the same
Different ways
And we walk on different path
Different road in this life
Can we hold each other’s hand
Together in this world
And be as one

It will be a better place
Better home
Place that gives us peace of mind
Filled with love
No more tears
Place where you and I can laugh
No more cry, only smile
The place for us to be one

Popularized by Gita Gutawa and sung by Judika at Opening of the 26th SEA Games 2011 in Palembang

Sabtu, 17 September 2011

What Women Really Mean, When They Say

(1) Fine:
This is the word women use to end an argument when they are right and you need to shut up.

(2) Five Minutes:
If she is getting dressed, this means a half an hour. Five minutes is only five minutes if you have just been given five more minutes to watch the game before helping around the house.

(3) Nothing:
This is the calm before the storm. This means something, and you should be on your toes. Arguments that begin with nothing usually end in “Fine.”

4) Go Ahead:
This is a dare, not permission. Don’t Do It!

5) Loud Sigh:
This is actually a word, but is a non-verbal statement often misunderstood by men. A loud sigh means she thinks you are an idiot and wonders why she is wasting her time standing here and arguing with you about nothing. (Refer back to # 3 for the meaning of nothing.)

(6) That’s Okay:
This is one of the most dangerous statements a women can make to a man. That’s okay means she wants to think long and hard before deciding how and when you will pay for your mistake.

(7) Thanks:
A woman is thanking you, do not question, or faint. Just say you’re welcome. (I want to add in a clause here – This is true, unless she says ‘Thanks a lot’ – that is PURE sarcasm and she is not thanking you at all. DO NOT say ‘you’re welcome’ . that will bring on a ‘whatever’).

(8) Whatever:
Is a woman’s way of saying F–YOU! (Is it right? I don’t think so)

(9) Don’t worry about it, I got it:
Another dangerous statement, meaning this is something that a woman has told a man to do several times, but is now doing it herself. This will later result in a man asking ‘What’s wrong?’ For the woman’s response refer to # 3.


Author: iTweetFacts

Senin, 29 Agustus 2011

The Prisoner of Zenda - Part 4

Chapter Nineteen

Rupert of Hentzau Also Makes a Plan

The plan is set and the men take their position at the Zenda castle.

Rassendyll swims across the moat and waits near the drawbridge.

He notices Rupert Hentzau talking to Antoinette de Mauban. Black Michael joins them and tells Rupert to leave.

Rupert crosses the drawbridge to go back to his room in the old castle.

Rupert gets into the moat and swims towards the direction of the new castle.

Chapter Twenty

Rassendyll Fights Bravely to Save the King

Rassendyll waits with great patience.

Antoinette de Mauban screams terribly as Rupert in her room.

Her scream draws Black Michael to her room.

A fight breaks out between Rupert and Black Michael.

Rupert dives into the moat to escape Black Michael's men.

Rassendyll gets a chance to enter the old castle killing one of the Famous Six on guard (De Gautet).

He kills another one of the Famous Six (Bersonin).

Detchard (another of the Famous Six) rushes into the King's room to kill him.

The loyal doctor tries to prevent Detchard from killing the King. But he is killed.

Rassendyll confronts Detchard. He is injured but continues to fight on and kills Detchard.

The King is hurt in the fight. Rassendyll hears Rupert's voice reaching the drawbridge.

Chapter Twenty-one

Danger for Rassendyll and Danger for Rupert of Hentzau

Ruppert challenges Black Michael to fight him.

Antoinette de Mauban shouts out that Black Michael is dead.

She holds a revolver and tries to shoot Rupert but misses him.

Rupert jumps into the moat to escape.

Rassendyll jumps into the moat to get Rupert.

Rassendyll challenges Rupert to a one to one fight but Rupert declines.

Rupert is only interested in escaping.

Rassendyll cuts Rupert on his face with his sword. Rupert is injured.

Fritz arrives and Rupert flees upon seeing him.

Rassendyll is too weak to go after Rupert and faints.

The King is safe.

Chapter Twenty-two

I am not the King

Rassendyll gets the full story from Antoinette de Mauban on what happened in the castle.

Fritz and Sapt inform the King of the situation at Zenda castle.

The Princess, Marshal and guards arrive at Zenda to see the King.

Princess Flavia meets Rassendyll and finds out the truth. But she faints upon hearing that Rassendyll is not the real King.

Chapter Twenty-three

Honour Must Come Before Love

Rassendyll meets the real King (Rudolf the Fifth).

The King appreciates Rassendyll's effort to save him and the kingdom.

Rassendyll meets Flavia and confesses his love for her. She does the same.

However, between love and honour, both choose honour. Rassendyll keeps to his word to save the King and country. While Princess Flavia honours her country and knows of her duty towards her country.

Rassendyll, Sapt and Fritz ride throughout the night and reach the border of Ruritania.

Rassendyll gets onto the train.

Chapter Twenty-four

The Adventure is Over

Rassendyl sends a postcard to his brother in England to end their worry.

He meets his friend George in Paris and writes to Madame Antoinette de Mauban.

Antoinette de Mauban writes to assure him tha she will not tell anyone of the secret of the prisoner of Zenda.

Rassendyll returns to England.

Rose is upset that Rassendyll does not leave her an address to contact him during his travel.

Rassendyll declines the offer to be the "attache" of Sir Jacob Borrodaile, Ambassador of Ruritania.

Each year, Rassendyll travels to small town outside Ruritania to meet Fritz and his wife Countess Helga.

He receives a red rose from Princess and likewise sends one to her.

To Rassendyll, Princess Flavia is the Queen of Ruritania - the Queen of his heart.

Kamis, 25 Agustus 2011

The Prisoner of Zenda - Part 3

Chapter Thirteen

Love or Honour

Rassendyll is confused. He is torn between love and honour. On the one hand, he loves for Flavia and on the other hand, his mission to save the rightful King to the throne.

Rassendyll chooses to honour his word to save the King.

Rassendyll is to determined to save the King and urges Colonel Sapt to start the rescue effort immediately.

He informs Flavia, who is deeply hurt by his hunting plan.

Flavia reminds him to be extra careful once she knows that the hunting trip is to get Black Michael.

Rassendyll, Colonel Sapt, Fritz and ten gentlemen leave Strelsau. They reach the castle of Tarlenheim which belongs to Fritz's uncle. The castle is located five miles from the castle of Zenda.

Chapter Fourteen

Rassendyll Revisits the Inn in Zenda

Black Michael knows of Rassendyll's visit to Zenda and sends his messengers to meet him.

Rassendyll visits the inn in Zenda to meet the inn keeper's daughter.

The girl in the inn recognises Rassendyll. He asks her to help him.

Rassendyll tells her to get Johann to meet her at the bridge at ten o'clock at night.
Colonel Sapt meets Rassendyll and Fritz to inform them that one of the ten gentlemen is nearly killed.

Rassendyll learns that the bullet is meant for him. He feels even worse and knows that Ruritania would be peaceful if the six culprits with Black Michael are no longer around.

Chapter Fifteen

Rassendyll Narrowly Escapes Death

Rupert of Hentzau (One of the Famous Six) arrives to meet Rassendyll with a message from Black Michael.
Rassendyll and Rupert's discusion turns sour.

Rupert tries to kill Rassendyll by stabbing him with a dagger.

Rassendyll moves quickly and is struck on left shoulder.

Rupert escapes while Rassendyll feels weak as a lot of blood is lost.

Rassendyll learns of Black Michael's evil plot from Johann. If any attempt is made to save the King, one of the Famous Six will kill the King and throw his body into the moat. The body will be thrown into the moat through a pipe.

The King is held captive in the castle of Zenda and Rassendyll needs to work out a very good plan to rescue him.

Chapter Sixteen

Murder in the Moat

Princess Flavia hears that the King is ill and visits him in castle Tarlenheim.

Rassendyll, Colonel Sapt, Fritz and six horsemen set out to the castle of Zenda.

Rassendyll swims across the moat to the wall of the old castle.

He examines the pipe to know if there is any way to get into the old castle.

Rassendyll kills Max Hoff, one of the Famous Six, while he is asleep.

He also hears the King's voice but is unable to get to the King. The place is heavily guarded. Rassendyll and Sapt hide Max Hoff's body under some trees.

Rassendyll confronts Rupert of Hentzau but he escapes.

There of Rassendyll's and Black Michael's men are killed in the clash.

Chapter Seventeen

Rupert of Hentzau and Madame de Mauban

The Chief of Police of Ruritania informs the King that an Englishman Rassendyll is missing. He suspects that the person is a prisoner in the Zenda castle.

This makes matters more complicated. The situation is more dangerous for Rassendyll.He orders the Chief of police to return to Strelsau at once.

Rupert of Hentzau is present at a funeral procession and informs Princess Flavia that his friend is dead.

Rupert and Rassendyll have a serious discussion. Rassendyll offers to pardon him if he helps to save the King.

Ruperts wants Rassendyll to order his men to attack the castle. He wishes Rassendyll's men and Black Michael to die. So, he will be rich and powerful.

Rassendyll receives a message from Madame de Mauban. She asks Rassendyll to rescue her from the castle in return for her favour.

Chapter Eighteen

Rassendyll Makes Plan

Rassendyll faces several problems.

The people of Ruritania is questioning his stay in Zenda.

The police are looking for Rudolf Rassendyll.

There is a demand for a date for the royal wedding.

Johann brings more news of what is going on in the castle.

The King's condition is getting worse. A doctor is attending to him.

More quarrels are taking place between Black Michael and Rupert of Hentzau over Madame de Mauban.

Rassendyll finds out more about the location of the room in the castle.

Rassendyll lays out a plan to save the King. He is desperate.

The Prisoner of Zenda - Part 2

Chapter Seven

Where is the King?

Rassendyll and Sapt go through a secret passageway under the palace into a quiet street. They leave for Zenda on horses.

Sapt realises that they are followed by Duke and Max Hoff (Johann's brother).

They reach the hunting lodge and find out that the old woman is gone and Josef (the loyal servant) is dead.

The real King is no longer in the lodge. He is missing!

Chapter Eight

Rassendyll Must Return to Strelsau as King

The real King is not in the lodge.

Rassendyll urges Colonel Sapt to rescue the real King from Black Michael.

But Sapt remains calm and explains the situation to Rassendyll.

They must return to Strelsau at once and Rassendyll must continue to act as the King. Otherwise, Black Michael will inform the people that the King is a drunkard and he would be the next King.

Colonel Sapt explains further that as long as Rassendyll acts as the King of Ruritania, the real King will remain safe.

Black Michael cannot kill the real King.

Rassendyll and Colonel Sapt teach a lesson to the group of eight horsemen. They killed three of them.

Rassendyll's finger is injured by a bullet.

Chapter Nine

The Famous Six

Rassendyll performs the duties of the King without making anyone feels suspicious.

The situation to save the real King becomes complicated. Black Michael cannot be sent to the prison.

Rassendyll hears of the Famous Six. They are Black Duke's loyal guards.

Chapter Ten

Rassendyll Meets Black Michael

Rassendyll visits Princess Flavia with Fritz. He is in love with her.

Black Duke shows up at Flavia's house and shows his hatred toward Rassendyll.

Black Duke asks about the injury of Rassendyll's finger.

The Black Duke introduces three of Famous Six to Rassendyll: A Belgian, A Frenchman and An Englishman.

Flavia reminds Rassendyll to be extra careful as he is in constant danger.

Chapter Eleven

A Kind of Tea-Party

The King is held a prisoner in Zenda castle.

 A careful plan is needed to save him.

Antoinette de Mauban sends an important message to the King (Rassendyll). She wants him to meet her.

Rassendyll goes to her house and she tells him of the plot to kill him and his friends.

Rassendyll finds out the location of the real King in Zenda castle from Antoinette de Mauban.

Rassendyll encounters three of the Famous Six. They try to kill him. He escapes using a round iron tea-table as a shield.

A shoot-out takes place between Detchard (Englishman) and Rassendyll. Detchard is shot by Rassendyll and moans in pain.

Chapter Twelve

The Marriage Will Shortly Take Place

The people of Ruritania are angry with the King for not fixing his wedding date.

Sapt tells Rassendyll to ask the princess to marry the King.

Rassendyll feels uneasy as he is not the real King. He wishes to be honourable.

Rassendyll dances with Flavia and in the garden tells her that he loves her with all his heart.

Flavia feels very happy that the King (Rassendyll) loves her.

The Prisoner of Zenda - Part 1

Chapter One
Rudolf Rassendyll

The story unfolds with Rose, (Rudolf Rassendyll's sister-in-law) telling Rassendyll that he needs to get himself a job.

Rudolf's brother (Robert) finds an interesting job for him as an "attache" to Sir Jacob Borrodaile will be the Ambassador of Ruritania in six months' time.

Ruritania. located in central Europe is the only country, Rudolf has not visited. So he feels happy with the idea.

Rudolf decides to witness the coronation of King Rudolf the Fifth in Strelsau, the capital of Ruritania.

Chapter Two
Rassendyll Arrives in Zenda

Rassendyll travels by train from London. The train stops at Paris, where he meets his old friend, George.

Rassendyll sees Antoinette de Mauban, a rich widow, who is on her way to Strelsau for the coronation.

Rassendyll notices that the customs officer stares at him. He thinks it is because of his hair which looks flaming red.

The newspaper reports that the coronation date is postponed.The new day is a day after tomorrow (Wednesday)

Strelsau is packed with people and there is no accommodation or lodging available. Rassendyll decides to stop at Zenda, a small town, 50 miles away from the capital.

Rassendyll stays in an inn in Zenda. He sees the famous castle of Zenda. He is happy to be in the inn with hospitable people (inn keeper and daughter).

Rassendyll learns about Duke Michael and the King. The King is staying in the Duke's hunting lodge in Zenda while the Duke is making the necessary coronation arrangements in Strelsau.

Johann, the Duke's forest guard enters the inn and is astonished to see Rassendyll.

Rassendyll learns from the inn keeper's daughter that the King's hair is of the exact colour with his. The Royal family members of Ruritania have red hair!

Chapter Three

Rudolf Rassendyll Meets King Rudolf the Fifth

Rassendyll goes for a walk and gets closer to the famous old castle of Zenda.

Rassendyll feels so carefree. He falls asleep after the tiring walk.

Rassendyll wakes up to find two men looking at him with deep interest. They are Colonel Sapt and Fritz Von Tarlenheim, who serve the King of Ruritania.

Colonel Sapt informs Rassendyll that he resembles the King.

The Englishman (Rassendyll) comes face-to-face with the King of Ruritania. Both of them look alike. They have the same physical characteristics - red hair, long nose, blue eyes. They are the same height too. The only difference between the two is Rassendyll is bearded while the King is clean-shaven.

Both Colonel Sapt and Fritz Von Tarlenheim inform that should not go to Strelsau. His life would be in danger if he is seen in Strelsau.

The King invites Rassendyll for dinner. Black Michael sends a complimentary bottle of wine and the King drinks it to the last drop.

Chapter Four

Rassendyll Becomes Rudolf the Fifth

Colonel Sapt splashes a bucket of water on Rassendyll to wake him up.

Rassendyll realises the King is drugged by Black Michael is senseless.

The King is unfit to attend the coronation and Black Michael stands the chance to be crowned as King of Ruritania.

Sapt and Fritz convince Rassendyll to take the place of the King and to be crowned.

In the beginning, Rassendyll resists but both Sapt and Fritz coax him into doing it.

Chapter Five

Rassendyll Arrives in Strelsau to be Crowned

Rassendyll's beard is shaved to make him look like Rudolf the Fift.

Rassendyll puts on the King's uniform and take the King's sword and revolver.

Rassendyll, Sapt and Fritz ride through the forest on their horses.

Sapt instructs Rassendyll, on how to behave like the King and what to do during the coronation.

They board a special carriage at the railway station and head of Strelsau.

They arrive at Strelsau and are welcomed by government and army officials. The crowds cheer the King.

Chapter Six

Rassendyll is Crowned King Rudolf the Fifth

The coronation procession begins with the bells ringing, bands playing and people cheering.

Everyone is in high spirits in the New Town but there is dislike of the King in the old town. The people in the old town prefer Duke Michael as King.

Rassendyll rides alone through the crowd in the old town to show that the King trusts them. The cheering grows as the King passes through the town.

The coronation takes place at the Cathedral.

The impersonating King (Rassendyll) meets the beautiful Princess Flavia and the evil Duke Michael.

Rassendyll feels discomfort with Princess Flavia's presence. She notices a slight difference in the King.
Rassendyll makes his presence in the palace.