Selasa, 05 November 2013
Move, Don't Remain Stuck!
note to self,
Jumat, 01 November 2013
Think You Know Dani Pedrosa?
Holla a todos! Hello all! Gue balik nih setelah UTS selesai. Gak nanya wi! Iya iya gak usah sewot gitulah, kalem bro kalem. Dari judulnya udah tahu kan gue mau bahas apa? Iya, gue mau mbahas aa kasep yang satu ini. Siapa lagi kalau bukan Daniel Pedrosa Ramal alias Dani Pedrosa. Pria kelahiran Sabadell, 29 September 1985 ini sukses menggetarkan hatiku. Cie cie. Nggak usah cie cie. Iya man, gue ngepens sama dia. Gak nanya wi! Iya iya. Lanjut ya! Gue mau tanya kalau kamu liat Dani Pedrosa, apa yang langsung kepikir di pikiranmu? Mungil, imut, ganteng, cute, senyumnya beuh, serius, kenapa gak pake umbrella girl, apa dia homo? Kalem bro kalem. Semua akan dijawab sama dia lewat interview sama Moto Line Magazine selanjutnya disingkat MLM. Here's what Dani had to say in that interview. Kamu bisa check langsung ke TKP dimari. Are you ready? Hold on tight!
MLM: Hi Dani, how are you?
Dani: Hi guys, I’m good thanks. How are you?
MLM: We’re great thanks. You ready?
Dani: Yep. Let’s go.
MLM: Okay, first question. You’ve got a huge following in Asia, why is that?
Dani: (laughs) I don’t know! I don’t know why, but
I’ve been in Indonesia twice and I don’t know what happened! I’m not
really sure what I did there, but I saw I had a lot of fans. I saw when I
was there and I can see on my Twitter, but yeah, I’m not sure. Maybe we
should ask them? (laughs)
MLM: Good idea! It’d be great to know how you did it.
Dani: The first time I went was in 2010 and already it was crazy.
MLM: Okay, we’re in Phillip Island so we may as well
ask you this one, what’s the first thing that springs to mind when you
think of Phillip Island?
Dani: The place itself or the track?
MLM: You pick.
Dani: Well it’s a cold place (pretends to shiver). I always think “why do we come here at this time of year?” you know?
MLM: It’d be much better in April, like around the Superbike time here.
Dani: Yep, exactly.
MLM: And what about the track? You’ve had some good and bad memories here?
Dani: Yeah definitely mixed. It’s not really my favourite track.
MLM: What is your favourite track?
Dani: (answers immediately) Jerez! I love the corners, I really enjoy it very much there.
MLM: What about racing at home with the Spanish fans?
Dani: That too, I really enjoy that too.
MLM: Is it more pressure?
Dani: No, I use it to my benefit, to my advantage.
MLM: Is it more distracting though racing at home circuits with your friends and family there?
No not really, not with them. But there are much more fans there so
it’s a lot busier in the paddock. Like here it’s pretty calm, but in
Spain it’s much busier. In Spain it’s at a whole new level. You can
barely walk! There are interviews and it’s where we have the most fans
and it’s where you feel the most connection with the fans.
Dani: (laughs) I mean it’s hard to manage sometimes.
You start on Thursday and there’s already a lot of people, Friday even
more. Then on Saturday with Qualifying there’s more, plus you’re busy
with the press, so you’ve already had 3 days like this keeping up with
it all. Then on Sunday it’s crazy! So by Sunday you’re already tired.
MLM: With the crash at Aragón you said you had a lot of pain, are you still feeling it?
Dani: Yes, I mean it’s not as much, but yes. I really have to choose my chair carefully (laughs). Some chairs, it’s impossible…
MLM: You said something about a pillow for your seat on the bike?
Dani: It’s more like a cushion, but yes I’m using it.
MLM: The initial report said a suspected left knee injury but in your blog you mentioned hip and groin pain. What actually hurts?
Dani: The injury is the hip and groin. I’ve torn the
muscle from here (points to inside his right thigh) up through the
pubis (hip) and into my abdominal.
MLM: Ouch! Does it hurt in the corners?
Dani: Yep, the right turns hurt.
MLM: How was the new surface here?
Dani: It’s not so bad, actually it’s much better. It’s much less bumpy and has more grip so you get way more feeling.
MLM: The first time we met your trainer had just
started you on High Intensity Interval Training and you said you hated
it but loved it because it was over quickly. Are you still doing that?
Dani: (laughs) No I change my training a lot. Now
I’ve been racing for so many years my body has adjusted to it so I don’t
need the same type of training as I did back then. It really depends on
which part of the season we’re in. I do a lot more volume just before
the season, then a little less as the season progresses. Every year you
need to change it up.
MLM: How do you maintain your fitness over the season with all the travel and racing?
Dani: You really need to find the balance. I mean
you have to keep up your training, but you also need to rest so you’re
not fatigued. Sometimes you have 3 races in a row each weekend, then you
have on on, one off. The rhythm is hard to get used to. It’s a real
balancing act but you have to find it so you don’t go overboard.
MLM: Is it easier for you and for the other riders who’ve been racing for a long time?
Dani: Yes of course. For me it’s been very similar
year to year, except sometime you also have injuries to deal with. It’s
not always easy to find your peak right at the perfect time.
MLM: On your Sunday nights after the race, depending on the result of course, what do you want to do? Celebrate? Go to sleep?
Dani: In any case I don’t really go to sleep
straight away. If I win I want to go and celebrate with my team. It’s
the time I can be with them and it’s relaxed and good. If I don’t get a
real good result I’m not in the same mood, but I try anyway. I go with
my team and try to switch my brain off so I can relax. But for example
last week in Sepang, I was so tired after the race I tried to go out
with my team but I ended up falling asleep! (laughs)
MLM: It was really good to see you fired up like that. The photo on Instagram (@hrc_motoGP) was priceless.
Dani: Ah yeah, that was just after the podium.
MLM: So the heat tired you out? Is it the hottest circuit you go to?
Dani: It’s soooo hot there. Qatar is hot too, but it’s different. It’s not the same feeling.
MLM: So we told our readers to fire their questions for you to us and we’d pick the best three. Here they are. The first one is from @SAVROSSI41 (Instagram). The day you won the
250cc Championship here in 2005, do you remember how you celebrated?
Dani: Ah yes, you mean on the podium?
MLM: After the race.
Dani: I stayed in my hotel room because I had so
many interviews on between here and Europe. They’re on a completely
different time zone so it went really late. I tried to also celebrate
with my team, so I was switching between that and the interviews. So it
wasn’t the best party! (laughs)
Dani: (grins) Well….(laughs) The story was that in
the past the girls needed grid access, so that meant a special pass. We
had to decide between giving it to another mechanic who could help out
if something went wrong, or a girl. So we thought it was more important
to have the mechanic. Now the rule has changed but I didn’t know!
(laughs) I only found out a few races ago. So this position is now
vacant, but it’s a prestigious one! (laughs) You know I haven’t had one
for so many years, the first one has to be perfect!
MLM: How are you going to pick that?
Dani: Ahhh, I’ll have to have a ranking system. (laughs)
MLM: Like, “Send in your photo…”
Dani: (laughs) No, no, it’s personality too! I have to meet them and then decide.
MLM: Over dinner, movie and popcorn?
Dani: (laughs loud)
MLM: Last question also came from loads of people too; Do you talk to yourself during the race?
Dani: Never! Once the race is on I never open my
mouth. I know some of the riders do. They shout and they scream and they
talk. For me it’s all internal. I’m more the quiet type.
MLM: Are you more the shy guy or is that not really the case?
Dani: I used to be really shy, especially in my very early twenties. But now I’m more and more not like that
MLM: One last cheeky question Dani. Will you do a dance for us on the podium?
Dani: Well I’ll need some music to do a dance. (grins)
MLM: Thank you so much for your time Dani. It’s been a pleasure.
Dani: Thank you! Catch you soon
Dani Pedrosa,
Daniel Pedrosa Ramal,
Phillip Island,
Umbrella Girl
Kamis, 10 Oktober 2013
hatimu adalah sebuah sistem, maka aku akan scan kamu untuk mengetahui port mana
yang terbuka sehingga tidak ada keraguan saat aku mencoba masuk kehatimu.
Tapi, aku hanya berani posting di blog ini yang jadi tempatku biasa
bercerita menumpahkan keluh kesahku.
Inikah rasanya jatuh cinta yang sehingga membuat aku seperti pecundang? Atau aku memang pecundang sejati?
Seandainya hatimu adalah sebuah sistem, aku berharap agar tidak ada kata "You
do not have permission to access it"
Tapi, aku cuma bisa berharap kalau kamu harus menjadi sang pangeran
Tapi, jika
hatimu adalah sebuah sistem, saat ku coba mengaksesnya,dan ku dapati "The page cannot be
found because has been owned by someone"
Sangat kaget rasanya telah diberitahu bahwa kamu telah ada yang miliki.
Sayang, hatimu bukanlah sebuah sistem tetapi kelenjar terbesar di dalam tubuh, terletak dalam rongga perut sebelah kanan, tepatnya di bawah diafragma, dan hatimu telah dimiliki oleh insan yang berbeda yang bisa berada di sisimu saat kamu membutuhkannya, yang bisa membuatmu tertawa, yang bisa membuatmu menangis bahagia, yang bisa memberikan apa yang kamu minta, yang bisa menemanimu ke mana saja.
Dan, hatimu juga bukan secarik kertas putih polos yang dapat aku lukis sedemikian
rupa untuk membuktikan bahwa kamu pantas untuk ku miliki.
Kamu adalah sang pangeran impianku yang telah mengacaukan sistemku.
Suatu saat nanti aku akan datang kepadamu dan mengatakan kalau sistemku sedang
terinfeksi virus yang menghanyutkan. Tak ada virus yang dapat menyangkalnya
selain kamu.
Tapi itu hanyalah seandainya. . .
seandainya dan seandainya. . .
Jumat, 27 September 2013
A Light That Never Comes,
Behind The Scene,
Chester Bennington,
Linkin Park,
Mike Shinoda,
Kamis, 01 Agustus 2013
Tentang Mereka yang Introvert
kenal dengan seseorang yang suka menyendiri, pendiem, dan cenderung tertutup?
Yang kadang tidak menanggapi kalo diajak ngobrol? Nggak nyambung malah kalo
ngobrol sama dia. hihihi....
dia adalah seorang Introvert.
dengar tentang istilah kepribadian introvert? Pernah donk ya....
besar mengasumsikan kepribadian Introvert sebagai pribadi yang anti-sosial,
pendiam, tertutup, pemalu, penyendiri, kuper bahkan aneh.
Introvert apa sih?
Jung nih ya,
and extroversion refer to the direction of psychic energy. If a person’s
psychic energy usually flows outwards then he or she is an extrovert, while if
the energy usually flows inwards, the person is an introvert. Extroverts feel
an increase of perceived energy when interacting with a large group of people,
but a decrease of energy when left alone. Conversely, introverts feel an
increase of energy when alone, but a decrease of energy when surrounded by a
large group of people."
menurut Isabel Briggs Myers,
introvert derives energy from his or her internal world of emotions and ideas,
while an extrovert draws from the outside world of people and activities for
spiritual sustenance."
kan bedanya?
beda dengan pemalu. Pemalu adalah seorang yang cemas, takut atau menampik diri
dari lingkungan sosial. Introvert tidak mesti begitu. Bagi seorang introvert
bersosialisasi itu menghabiskan energi. Mereka kelelahan jika terus-terusan
bersama orang lain dalam waktu yang lama. Karena itu mereka perlu waktu
menyendiri untuk mengisi energi kembali. Ibaratnya seperti mencarge hp gitulah.
Sementara bagi seorang Ekstrovert, mencarge energi mereka justru dengan
bersosialisasi. Ekstrovert nggak tahan lama-lama sendirian. Kebutuhan akan
adanya orang lain bagi Ekstrovert sangat besar. Nggak gaul nggak eksis bok!
Introvert suka menyendiri?
lebih memperhatikan dunia di dalam pikiran mereka sendiri, mereka menikmati
berfikir, mengeksplorasi pikiran dan perasaan sendiri. Seorang introvert tidak
berarti mereka tidak memiliki kemampuan bicara, akan tetapi mereka lebih suka
bicara mengenai masalah ide dan konsep, bukan mengenai pendapat mereka tentang
topik-topik sosial yang tidak penting (mungkin seperti guyonan-guyonan yang
tidak penting).
ngak suka basa-basi. Bagi mereka pembicaraan dilakukan untuk memperoleh
informasi. Selebihnya mereka lebih suka diem, mendengarkan dan mengamati. Oh
yes, mereka pengamat yang baik.
berarti mereka nggak doyan ngbrol. Doyan kok. Cuma kalo ngobrol dengan orang-orang
ini suka agak stres sendiri. Kenapa? Karena mereka doyan berfilosofi dan demen
berteori. Reaksi umum begitu dengerin mereka ngomong adalah " ini orang
ngomong apa sih?" atau bengong karena nggak ngerti.
lebih suka berfikir ke dalam, Introvert cenderung teguh pada pendirian dan
tidak mudah terpengaruh. Juga males mempengaruhi orang lain. Orang mau
kompetisi silahkan, dikompor-komporin nggak ngaruh, dikucilin temen nggak
masalah. Lempeng-lempeng aja.
orientasinya ya dirinya sendiri. Jadi kalo masih ambisius, ingin mengungguli
orang lain, gampang kebakar sama tingkah laku orang lain. Itu bukan introvert.
memendam masalahnya sendiri, jarang berbagi masalahnya atau menceritakan
kehidupannya ke orang lain. Mempunyai self-blaming yang gede (suka nyalahin
diri sendiri), yang akhirnya jadi depresi, dan emosian. Tipe ini cuma mau
terbuka dengan orang yang sudah bener-bener dipercaya.
mereka kadang-kadang gagal dalam sesuatu lalu orang di sekeliling bereaksi
"hebat", reaksi balik mereka biasanya dengan mudah dilabeli sebagi
tindakan "ngambek", "kekanak-kanakan", atau yang paling
parah anti-sosial. Faktanya, mereka cuma ingin sendirian dulu. Reaksi “hebat”
dari orang lain yang merasa diri “normal” seringkali malah membuat pribadi
berintroversi tinggi menjadi lebih tersiksa, terstimulasi untuk berlaku ganjil
dan mungkin jadi lebih disalahpahami oleh dunia luarnya.
banyak sih orang Introvert di dunia?
Ternyata dikit lho. Menurut Jonathan Rauch dalam artikelnya di The Atlantic Monthly,
25 persen, atau di bawah setengah populasi. Atau, jawaban favorit saya:
kelompok minoritas di antara kebanyakan orang, tapi mayoritas di antara
populasi orang-orang berbakat."
dengan jumlah minoritas ini ternyata sering disalahpahami, tersisih dan
dianggap sombong, jutek, kuper bahkan aneh.
menganggap Ekstrovert adalah orang yang ramah, hangat, terbuka, banyak
temennya, flexible dan calon orang sukses. Mereka adalah kelompok mayoritas.
Hingga terciptalah standar yang menilai bahwa yang normal itu Ekstrovert dan
Introvert itu kuper, nggak gaul, sejenis gangguan mental, kelainan dan
janggal. Orang aneh deh pokoknya hmmm....
enggak kok....
ini menurut Jonathan Rauch lantaran karakter introvert yang lebih cerdas,lebih
reflektif, lebih independen, lebih berkepala dingin, lebih halus dan sensitif
dibandingkan ekstrovert. Mungkin juga karena sedikitnya kaum introvert
berbicara, suatu kelemahan yang kerap dicela oleh mereka yang ekstrovert. Kami
cenderung berpikir lebih dulu sebelum berbicara, sementara ekstrovert berpikir
ketika berbicara.
Introvert bukan penyakit atau kelainan yang harus disembuhkan. Pahami bahwa itu
adalah orientasi kepribadian dan cenderung tak bisa diubah. Tak ada yang salah
dengan Introvert.
sih, punya temen yang ramah, hangat, mudah diajak hang-out, easy
going dan selalu kelihatan rame itu menyenangkan. Namun beberapa orang
memang tercetak dengan orientasi kepribadian yang berbeda. Tapi bukan berarti
memahami dan mencoba berteman dengan mereka :D
bukan anti sosial,
tidak ada yang salah dengan introvert
Kamis, 04 Juli 2013
Cinemagraph, Bukan Sekedar Foto Biasa Tapi Bukan Video
Cinemagraph adalah sebuah foto dengan elemen kecil gerakan di
dalamnya, mempertahankan semua ketenangan indah yang ada dalam foto
tetapi menambahkan sedikit gerakan yang mempesona. Teknik
cinemagraph lebih dari sekedar gambar atau foto, tapi bukan video. Foto yang di-publish biasanya dalam bentuk GIF.
Cinemagraph adalah buah karya fotografer Jamie Beck dan Kevin Burg,
yang saat itu memiliki ide untuk menggabungkan antara foto dan video. Tujuannya
utama adalah memberikan sebuah cerita pendek pada sebuah gambar atau foto. Contohnya kaya ini nih......
![]() |
Keren? Ini gue dapet dari sini |
Jamie Beck,
Kevin Burg,
my project,
Jumat, 28 Juni 2013
When haters were busy talking, I was busy making it happen
When haters were busy talking, I was busy making it happen. When they were busy mocking, I was busy walking. When they were busy laughing I was busy running and they’re STILL wondering why they’re left behind. - Agnes Monica
Agnes Monica,
making it happen,
note to self,
Rabu, 10 April 2013
You're Special Too, Stop Comparing Yourself to Others!
Enjoy your own life without comparing it with that of another. - Marquis de Condorcet
Terkadang kita sering tidak puas dengan
apa yang sudah kita miliki atau yang sudah kita capai. Kita selalu ingin
lebih, lebih, dan lebih. Selain ingin lebih. Kita juga sering kali
tidak puas dengan diri sendiri dan selalu berusaha dan berharap menjadi
orang lain, yang menurut kita “lebih” dari kita. Kita membandingkan
dengan yang lain, membandingkan apa yang kita punya dan apa yang tidak.
Padahal, apakah dengan membandingkan
kelebihan/ apa yang mereka punya dengan kekurangan/ apa yang kita tidak
punya, we’d size up or it’d make us feel good? Nope! It’s a sure-fire
recipe for a drop in self-confidence and for unhappiness. Lalu bagaimana
kalau kita mulai membandingkan dan iri dengan yang lain?
Break that habit and try to be aware of
when you start comparing yourself to others … once you’ve developed this
awareness, try this trick: stop yourself. Tell yourself, “Stop that!”
And then start thinking about all the things you DO have, the things you
love, the people you have, the blessings that life has given you. Make
this a regular practice, and you’ll start to be happier with your life.
Di bawah ini ada beberapa tips yang berguna saat kita mulai membandingkan dan iri dengan yang lain, semoga bermanfaat :)
- Awareness. Kebanyakan dari kita melakukan perbandingan sosial tanpa menyadari kita sedang melakukannya. Itu wajar saya kira. So the solution is to become conscious — bring these thoughts to the forefront of your consciousness by being on the lookout for them. If you focus on these thoughts for a few days, it gets much easier with practice, and soon it’ll be hard not to notice.
- Stop yourself. Jika kamu sudah sadar sedang melakukan perbandingan ini, give yourself a pause. Don’t berate yourself or feel bad — just acknowledge the thought, and gently change focus.
- Count your blessings. A better focus is on what you do have, on what you are already blessed with. Hitung apa yang kamu miliki BUKAN yang tidak! Think about how lucky you are to have what you have, to have the people in your life who care about you, to be alive at all.
- Focus on your strengths. Daripada melihat kelemahanmu, lebih baik tanyakan pada dirimu apa kekuatanmu. Celebrate them! Be proud of them. Don’t brag, but feel good about them and work on using them to your best advantage.
- Be OK with imperfection. Tak ada yang sempurna di dunia ini, kita semua tahu itu, but emotionally we seem to feel bad when we don’t reach perfection. You aren’t perfect and you never will be. I certainly am not, and I’ve learned to be OK with that. Sure, keep trying to improve, but don’t think you’ll ever be the “perfect person”. If you look at it in a different way, that imperfection is what makes you who you are, you already are perfect.
- Don’t knock others down. Kadang kita mencoba mengkritik orang lain untuk membuat kita terlihat atau merasa lebih baik. Membuat seseorang down demi keuntunganmu adalah destruktif. It forms an enemy when you could be forming a friend. In the end, that hurts you as well. Instead, try to support others in their success — that will lead to more success on your part.
- Focus on the journey. Don’t focus on how you rank in comparison to others — Hidup bukanlah kompetisi. It’s a journey. We are all on a journey, to find something, to become something, to learn, to create. That journey has nothing to do with how well other people are doing, or what they have. It has everything to do with what we want to do, and where we want to go. That’s all you need to worry about.
- Learn to love enough. Jika kamu selalu ingin apa yang orang lain miliki, kamu tidak akan pernah merasa puas. That’s an endless cycle, dan tidak akan membawa kebahagiaan. Tidak peduli berapa banyak baju yang kamu beli, tidak peduli berapa banyak rumah yang kamu miliki, tidak peduli berapa banyak mobil mewah yang kamu dapat… Kamu tidak akan pernah merasa cukup. Sebaiknya belajarlah untuk menyadari bahwa apa yang kamu miliki itu sudah cukup. If you have shelter over your head, food on the table, clothes on your back, and people who love you, you are blessed. You have enough. Anything you have over and above that is more than enough. Be good with that, and you’ll find contentment.
To love is to stop comparing. - Bernard Grasset
stop comparing yourself
Minggu, 31 Maret 2013
Where Will You Be Five Years From Today?
5 Years.
260 weeks.
1,825 days.
2,333,000 minutes.
It’s your time.
It’s your life.
What will you do with it?
What could you do with it?
In 5 years …
Christopher Columbus discovered a new world.
Michelangelo completed the Sistine Chapel.
Dian Fossey saved the lives of hundreds of mountain gorillas.
What about you?
This is your one and only life.
And you don’t want to miss it.
When was the last time you did something for the first time?
Go where you’ve never been.
What are you passionate about?
FOLLOW YOUR DREAMS — they know the way.
What will you do with your talents?
Make the world better?
You can.
Live your life on purpose.
Get involved.
Get inspired.
Make every moment count.
The next 5 years can be the very best 5 years of your life!
or just another 5 years.
What is life for?
It is for you.
Where will you be 5 years from today?
260 weeks.
1,825 days.
2,333,000 minutes.
It’s your time.
It’s your life.
What will you do with it?
What could you do with it?
In 5 years …
Christopher Columbus discovered a new world.
Michelangelo completed the Sistine Chapel.
Dian Fossey saved the lives of hundreds of mountain gorillas.
What about you?
This is your one and only life.
And you don’t want to miss it.
When was the last time you did something for the first time?
Go where you’ve never been.
What are you passionate about?
FOLLOW YOUR DREAMS — they know the way.
What will you do with your talents?
Make the world better?
You can.
Live your life on purpose.
Get involved.
Get inspired.
Make every moment count.
The next 5 years can be the very best 5 years of your life!
or just another 5 years.
What is life for?
It is for you.
Where will you be 5 years from today?
Christopher Columbus,
Dian Fossey,
Five Years,
Minggu, 24 Maret 2013
Jangan Lupakan Teman Lama Kalau Kamu Sudah Punya Teman Baru
Make new friends, but keep the old;
Those are silver, these are gold.
New-made friendships, like new wine,
Age will mellow and refine.
Friendships that have stood the test -
Time and change – are surely best;
Brow may wrinkle, hair grow gray,
Friendship never knows decay.
For ‘mid old friends, tried and true,
Once more we our youth renew.
But old friends, alas! may die,
New friends must their place supply.
Cherish friendship in your breast -
New is good, but old is best;
Make new friends, but keep the old;
Those are silver, these are gold.
by Joseph Parry
Ketika kita bertambah lebih tua dan hidup
terus berjalan, orang terus-menerus masuk ke dalam hidup kita. Ketika
kita pergi ke sekolah, memulai pekerjaan baru atau menikmati waktu
luang, we’re making friends all the time. Kadang-kadang bisa rumit
menjaga teman-teman lama ketika menemukan yang baru, but there are ways
to hold on to the few true friends while you memorize those new names
and faces.
Allow Yourself to Make New Friends
Memulai pekerjaan baru, pergi ke sekolah
baru atau pindah ke tempat baru akan menciptakan banyak kesempatan bagi
kita untuk bertemu orang baru dan berteman. Enjoy these opportunities
and make great friends by not limiting yourself to your old buddies.
Create a Balance
Yup! Buat keseimbangan. Sah-sah saja kita
punya teman baru tapi yang lama juga jangan dilupakan ya! Do not forget
about your old friends! Your friends you have that history with… that
connection with. Jangan gara-gara kita sudah menemukan teman baru yang
“gue banget” lalu melupakan yang lama, yah paling tidak ingat teman yang
punya bond atau ikatan dengan kita, atau deep history together. Kata Oscar Wilde,
“Even though we’ve changed and we’re all finding our own place in the
world, we all know that when the tears fall or the smile spreads across
our face, we’ll come to each other because no matter where this crazy
world takes us, nothing will ever change so much to the point where
we’re not all still friends.”
Stay connected
Cara terbaik untuk menjaga teman-teman
lama simply by staying in touch, dengan tetap berhubungan, paling tidak
lewat SMS, facebook, twitter, dll. Your old friends know you the best
and have shared many memories with you, so tell them all about your new

Making new friends is part of everyone’s life journey, but make sure you hold onto the people who have been along for the ride for a long time. Old friends and new friends are equally important, and keeping both close to you may be easier than you’d expect.
teman baru,
teman lama
Senin, 18 Maret 2013
Maybe You're Gone - Sondre Lerche
You have been waiting all your life
You use your patience to stay fine
Time moves on as you prepare
to tell yourself be reasonable
Then come the times you can't foresee
you cannot leave, you can't release
to keep you far from those dreams
Ignoring the right times
Oh, waiting was my life
For now it's too late
for you may not wait
and things that I have yet to know
vanish before they're complete
I may turn around
but as for now, it's just not safe
Maybe you'll wait for me
Maybe you're gone
You've been preparing all your life
You've had some trouble getting it right
And you try to tell yourself it
may work, as it should
But something good can do much harm
The good may kill for your embrace
to keep you far from those dreams
you know you cannot dream
I'm stuck for now, it seems
For now it's too late
for you may not wait
and things that I have yet to know
vanish before they're complete
I may turn around
but as for now, it's just not safe
Maybe you'll wait for me
Maybe you're gone
You use your patience to stay fine
Time moves on as you prepare
to tell yourself be reasonable
Then come the times you can't foresee
you cannot leave, you can't release
to keep you far from those dreams
Ignoring the right times
Oh, waiting was my life
For now it's too late
for you may not wait
and things that I have yet to know
vanish before they're complete
I may turn around
but as for now, it's just not safe
Maybe you'll wait for me
Maybe you're gone
You've been preparing all your life
You've had some trouble getting it right
And you try to tell yourself it
may work, as it should
But something good can do much harm
The good may kill for your embrace
to keep you far from those dreams
you know you cannot dream
I'm stuck for now, it seems
For now it's too late
for you may not wait
and things that I have yet to know
vanish before they're complete
I may turn around
but as for now, it's just not safe
Maybe you'll wait for me
Maybe you're gone
How we succeed by failing
By the time Steve Jobs’s Wikipedia page had been adjusted to past tense, eulogists had added a footnote to his biography of success. Failure.
Jobs, though wildly successful, also failed often and badly. Therein, we note, lies perhaps the larger lesson of his life: Sometimes you have to fail to succeed.
The truth is, you usually have to fail to succeed. No one emerges at the top. Even those born lucky eventually get a turn on the wheel of misfortune. Anyone with a résumé of accomplishments also has a résumé of failures, humiliations and setbacks. Jobs was fired by the company he co-founded. Yet it was during this period of exile that he picked up a little computer graphics company later called Pixar Animation Studios, the sale of which made him a billionaire.
This is to say, to fail is human. To resurrect oneself is an act of courage.
Jobs himself recognized his failures in a now-famous 2005 commencement speech at Stanford. He recalled sleeping on the floors of friends’ dorm rooms and walking seven miles to a Hare Krishna temple for his one good meal of the week. One needn’t make an appointment with the Genius Bar to glean the moral of this story.
Fear of failure isn’t only an adult concern. From an early age, we are plagued with anxiety about performance. This seems a natural-enough evolutionary development. The strong and savvy survive (and get the girl). The less accomplished eat scraps and enjoy the company of human leftovers. “Losers,” we call them. So habitual is our attention to failure that we even have a word — or at least the Germans do — for enjoying others’: schadenfreude.
What possibly could make us take pleasure in another’s failure? Simple. We love the company.
A history of human failure would make for a long and interesting read, yet we prefer books about success. We thrill at the end-zone victory dance, applaud the extra point, admire the perfect 10. In literature, what is redemption but recovery from human failing? We love no one more than the man or woman who says I made a mistake, I’m sorry, please forgive me. Forgive? We want to hoist the penitent on our shoulders.
An entire lexicon of cliches has evolved around the idea of failure and recovery. It’s not the thing attained that matters; it’s the journey that gives us life. The act of creation — the struggle — far exceeds the pleasure of the thing created. Unless, of course, it’s an Apple iPhone 4S. BlackBerry? Not so much.
Recent acknowledgment of the power of failure, inspired by Jobs’s too-soon demise, provides a welcome spiritual uplift for stressed-out adults. But we’re missing an even more important morality tale that has profound consequences for our nation’s future. Our obsession with success and our fear of failure has trickled down to ever-younger humans, our children, at great cost not only to their psychological well-being but also, ultimately, to our ability to compete in the global marketplace.
We’re so afraid that our kids won’t measure up that we drive them crazy with overbooked schedules and expectations and then create a sense of entitlement by insisting on assigning blame elsewhere when their performance is lackluster. Sideline parents, first cousins to back-seat drivers, who challenge coaches, teachers and umpires on behalf of their children are a relatively new development that can’t be considered positive. When I wrote recently about the failure (there’s that word again) of colleges to teach core curricula that engender critical thinking skills, dozens of professors wrote to complain of students who aren’t willing to work hard (or show up) yet still expect good grades. Even in college, they said, parents pester professors for better marks for their little darlings.
In another famous commencement address, J.K. Rowling’s to Harvard in 2008, the “Harry Potter” author eulogized her own valuable failures. “Failure gave me an inner security that I had never attained by passing examinations,” she said. “Failure taught me things about myself that I could have learned no other way.”
If we agree that wisdom, confidence and a better Apple are gifts of failure, then why are we so afraid to allow our children to experience it? In a culture where failure is not well-enough understood as necessary to growth — and accomplishment is diminished by a code of equal outcomes that enshrines entitlement — then no one gets wiser or better. And a nation populated by such people may not survive.
Tulisan ini ditulis oleh Kathleen Parker ( dan saya ambil dari Washington Post
How We Succeed by Failing,
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Keren sekali, mereka memberikan gambaran seperti apa proses kreatif di balik sebuah lagu. Gue sendiri jadi tahu sedikit proses pembuatan lagu dalam hal ini proses take vocal. Mike sendiri selalu mengagumkan seperti biasa, jiwa seni-nya emang udah gak diragukan lagi. Sedangkan Chester gue jadi tahu sedikit tentang sisi lain Chester, kalau saatnya serius dia serius liat saja saat take vocal atau latian part lagunya, he's so serious, gue jadi ngebayangin kalau gue yang jadi Chester mungkin pita suara gue udah jebol nyanyi teriak-teriak kayak gitu, tapi dia hebat dia berberapa kali harus me-retake beberapa part yang mengharuskan dia teriak-teriak sampai-sampai Mike nyuruh Chester minum supaya terlubrikasi/ terlumasi hahaha *berasa oli ya?*
Di sisi lain ternyata Chester itu lucu, kalau lagi bercanda oh my gawd kagak tahan bo... hahaha liat saja goyangannya di akhir itu hahaha epic sekali haha.... Tapi dari semua itu Linkin Park khususnya Mike dan Chester selalu menginspirasi dan mengagumkan. Kombinasi mereka dalam satu grup bernama Linkin Park was great, seperti yang diungkapkan seseorang dalam satu comment di video tersebut di bawah ini....
P.S. Thanks ya Mike, Chester, Linkin Park udah ngasih tahu kita gimana behind the scene lagu kalian yang sering menjadi fenomena itu, sering-sering aja nih bikin video yang kayak gitu (baca: BTS), sapa tau kita bisa jadi musisi hebat berkat ilmu kalian dan semoga dengan video BTS itu kita jadi menghargai sebuah lagu, betapa tidak mudahnya membuat sebuah lagu, prosesnya panjang banget hihihi. Tetaplah menginspirasi ya seperti biasanya :)